Revealing Leadership Potential

Leadership Comes in All Forms and Spans a Lifetime

In Chinese, the symbol for wisdom, insight, and learning about the nature of things is 格. Life is ever-changing and ever-evolving; leadership follows the same kinetic force for change. So why wouldn't you do the same? In developing your leadership plan, it will be imperative for you to use tools and instruments to guide yourself in improving how you interact with others and how others relate to and engage with you. Leadership development is a process over time; it is not a procedure with step-by-step instructions. The world has millions of leadership opportunities. Don't let the ever-increasing need for leadership overwhelm you. Find the opportunity that mirrors your passion and lead the way for others to follow you.

What is global leadership and how are global leaders identified, supported, and developed to lead others? What role does human resource management play and are there tools for human resource managers to identify employees with the 'right stuff' that makes someone a leader, or even a global leader? How do some organizations create a culture of leading? Are there better practices to attracting top talent with a set of proven or emerging hard and soft skills? These four questions are central to the premise that global leadership is dependent upon today's visionaries to not only extract potential in human capital but also be prepared to nurture and foster a pro-global leadership culture in the workplace.

What is Human Resource Management?

First, we begin with a working definition of human resource management. In today's human resources, whether in a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a multinational enterprise (MNE), business executives continue to face additional responsibilities designed to protect the enterprise through procedures and processes and evaluation. Human resource management is the management of people and how those people complete tasks effectively. International human resource management invokes different needs and challenges because people may not understand or embrace large or small singularities ranging from cultural norms, unique characteristics, to the importance of holiday or holy days. Whether in domestic or global environments, human resource management is crucial to the success of an enterprise: in fact, its survival depends on protecting, engaging, supporting, and monitoring a productive workforce while simultaneously protecting the enterprise.

What is Global Leadership?

Global leadership is a complex blend of leadership's core concepts, coupled with either being a natural leader or a self-nurture leader operating on the world stage. It is the repackaging of a leader to appeal to a broader, more diverse, multicultural, multilingual following in an international setting. But how does one attain recognition as a global leader? What, if anything, makes a domestic leader any different from a global leader? Is it money, power, position, title, or sometimes personality, gender, or even appearance? In our courses, we explore how to identify and define a leader, whether in your neighborhood or around the globe. The beauty of leadership is those collective insights greatly assist in determining global leadership, mainly because as people evolve, so does the definition of leadership.

What are Leadership Competencies in a Global Workforce? A competency is a skill of how well we manage differences. This is an incredibly important aspect of leadership for today's business executives. Intercultural competencies are the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of different cultures. Functioning on the global stage requires an understanding of intercultural competencies. Can we adapt socially and be comfortable interacting with new people and new situations? Can we remain calm in demanding conditions and learn from our mistakes? Can we not only build relationships but also maintain those relationships here and internationally? How do we handle uncertainty in a new environment that can often trigger stress, loss of individual productivity, and the inability to figure out how things are done in other countries? Can we separate just doing things for ourselves from doing things for others?

How Can I Use Psychometric Tools to Gain a Global Leadership Competency Advantage? Instruments such as the Global Cultural Inventory (GCI) and Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) from the Kozai Group aid in our understanding of these three management constructs: perception management, relationship management, and self-management. Perception management helps us understand ourselves and the world. Relationship management is the impetus that helps us identify relationships and provides a baseline for continually managing and evolving those relationships with others. Self-management concerns itself with our psychological strength and coping mechanisms, virtually our capacity for effectively managing thoughts, emotions, and responses to stressful situations.

How Can You Help Me to Develop My Leadership Skills?

Your leadership development plan is a first step to foster your leadership style, changing your behavior, and becoming open to engaging relationships. Consider if any of the following statements resonate with you: If only I had a little more time...if only I knew the answers...if only I had self-confidence. Each of us can feel inadequate and insecure, pressured by time, and emotionally drained as we face the challenges of dealing with new situations. Leaders who understand their shortcomings and the value of learning about the limitations of their workforce often position themselves to lead more successfully. Leaders who regularly and routinely practice self-evaluation gain wisdom, vision, and knowledge of how systems, processes, and tasks help others learn.

Questions to Consider:

格 1 What is your purpose in life, and do you want to lead a life with purpose?

格 2 What is (are) your targeted area(s) for personal growth and improvement?

格 3 What do you want to accomplish in the foreseeable future, such as within the next year, five years, or in your lifetime?

格 4 Which competencies should you focus on, and how will you know you're making progress?

格 5 How do you view yourself today, and does that match the perception of others close to you?

格 6 How likely are you to change, adapt to change, and be flexible in not doing things the way you always have done them?

格 7 How will you use your influence and negotiating skills to lead others?

格 8 How can you generate the needed balance of optimism, confidence, and energy to move you and others forward?

格 9 What will you do for others?

About Dr. Rick Arrowood

Dr. Rick Arrowood has taught in undergraduate and graduate education for three decades, held high-level leadership positions in nonprofit organizations and published numerous articles and research studies. He has given keynote speeches and presented on various subjects of nonprofit management and leadership in the USA, Australia, China, Russia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Malaysia, and the Netherlands (The Hague). His academic areas include nonprofit management, law, global leadership, human resource management, and financial management. He holds several professional certifications in cultural competency, intercultural effectiveness, and leadership practices. He attained a Juris Doctor from Massachusetts School of Law, North Andover, Massachusetts, and a Doctor of Law and Policy from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.  

Previously, former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick credited him as a change agent in leading a grassroots effort to attain a legislative mandate providing the first-ever pioneering state-wide registry later replicated nationwide for individuals living with Lou Gehrig’s disease overseen by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Environmental Division.


Dr. Rick’s Teaching Philosophy


Leadership, Moderation, & Compromise